On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 22:00 +0200, Peter Karlsson wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Aug 2005, Paul Hoy wrote:
> > I really like Gentoo and I like that fact that it does a pretty good job at 
> > supporting Gnome, however, it's still behind other releases, such as 
> > Fedora, 
> > in terms of when it releases updates, etc.
> I find that hard to believe...

I know, I would find it hard to believe too. But, just a simple
comparision with the Fedora feedlist will show you that this is
generally true. Coincidently, I received a bunch of Fedora 3 & 4 email
updates earlier today, which shows that Gentoo is behind 23 out of 24 of
the updates, some of them quite significantly. Most of them are
KDE-related files, so normally I would have never noticed this. I'll
keep the list for awhile in case anyone is interested in reviewing it.
Of course, you can also view the Fedora feedlist website. I should also
add that I noted about eight random and recent examples. Finally, other
users who joined the thread have also provided examples. 

> > Linux from Scratch looks very interesting: it appears to rapidly support 
> > the 
> > latest updates and it has decent documentation. Does any one have any 
> > perspectives on Linux from Scratch, from a Gentoo point-of-view? Does 
> > anyone 
> > wish to share a comparison of the two?
> The short version:
> LFS is for those who wishes to learn how to build an operating system from 
> scratch. Or for control-freaks (like me). Or a combination of both... :-)
> Gentoo is a more practical version of LFS, where "practical" means less 
> time-consuming, since you don't have to install each package (and it's 
> dependencies) yourself and there are default settings/scripts that 
> usually works ok with no/minor tweaking. Though you can install a package 
> manager in LFS too (like rpm, apt, ports etc.).

I think I'm a combination of the two also. 


> Best regards
> Peter K

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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