On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 2:32 PM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote: > I caught just a hint of some kind of recent trouble when updating on > this list a few days ago but lost track of the thread or message. > > I'd like to do update world and am some 4-5 mnths out of date right > now. > > Am I likely to hit some horrible snag that has come up recently. > > PS - I'm already past the change from hda to sda
I updated my laptop (using ~amd64) which went ~9 months or so without being updated, and it was fine... It took a few days of compiling, but it was fine. The usual things apply, be careful when upgrading config files, kernel options, rebuild your x11 drivers after upgrading xorg, rebuild libtool after upgrading gcc, etc. I don't remember any gotchas though. I personally like to upgrade gcc first off (and its deps), then run gcc-config to (re)set the new version, re-emerge libtool, fix_libtool_files.sh, then I update the system set, etc-update, reboot to be sure everything is sane, then upgrade world after that. Depending on how ancient the kernel is, upgrading the kernel might fall somewhere in the middle of that process (and updating linux-headers and glibc as appropriate). Usually there are copious amounts of emerge @preserved-rebuild, revdep-rebuild and emerge --depclean along the journey, too. :)