On Sat, Sep 10 2011, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:

> On Saturday, 10. September 2011 11:28:07 Allan Gottlieb wrote:
>> My daily update world caused the merging of oracle-jdk-bin-1.7.0
>> (after wonko explained how to handle a license question).
>> But my next step is emerge --depclean --ask
>> This wanted to unmerge the above package and, if permitted to
>> do so, caused a subsequent update word to remerge it.
>> I then wisely :-) refused the next --depclean's request to unmerge
>> it again.  As far as I can tell this would be an infinite loop
>> allan
>> ajglap gottlieb # emerge --keep-going --update --newuse --with-bdeps=y world
>> These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:
>> Calculating dependencies... done!
>> [nomerge       ] dev-java/icedtea-  USE="hs20 nsplugin nss webstart
>> xrender -cacao -debug -doc -examples -jamvm -javascript -nio2 -pulseaudio
>> -systemtap -zero" [nomerge       ]  dev-java/ant-nodeps-1.8.1
>> [ebuild  NS    ]   virtual/jre-1.7.0 [1.6.0] 0 kB
>> [ebuild  NS    ]    virtual/jdk-1.7.0 [1.6.0] 0 kB
>> [ebuild  N f   ]     dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin-1.7.0  USE="X alsa -derby -doc
>> -examples -jce -nsplugin" 0 kB
> icedtea is Java6. It want's to upgrade the *virtual* to java7. To get the 
> virtual satisfied portage installs the oracle jdk.
> To get rid of this, just mask >= virtual/jre-1.7.0 and >= virtual/jdk-1.7.0
> until icedtea comes with a java7 version. Or stick with the oracle-jdk and 
> unmerge icedtea.

The java6 vs java7 is what I guessed was the cause (mentioned in a
previous msg).  But there really is a loop currently (at least if I keep
both the oracle java7 and icedtea java6 sdk's installed).  I let the loop
go on again and it does indeed merge/unmerge/merge/ etc when executing
emerge --update world
emerge --depclean
emerge --update world


As you said
unmerging icedtea icedtea-web virtual/jdk-1.6.0 virtual/jre-1.6.0
restores sanity.


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