On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 16:59:20 +0200
Michael Schreckenbauer <grim...@gmx.de> wrote:

> > (As an aside I had thought idedtea replaced the need for oracle/sun
> > 's jdk.  I do have installed sun/oracle 's java-sdk-docs.)  
> That's true. You can unmerge the sun-jdk and emerge icedtea instead.
> In my experience, icedtea did not work for everything. That might
> have changed, but I still use the oracle jdk.

That's been my experience too.

The Java platform defines many sub-packages for all sorts of 
APIs. Turns out that some of them are proprietary or restricted in
interesting ways. Sometimes it's not even the entire package, just a
part of it.

The upshot is that OpenJDK does not contain the is code and every now
and then you try run something with OpenJDK that's in one of these

Supremely annoying. The last case we had is a Java app that prints to
pdf files. This function only works in sun-jdk due to some svg-to-pdf

Alan McKinnnon

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