Alan McKinnon wrote:
On Fri, 09 Sep 2011 20:25:22 -0500
Dale<> wrote:
Alan McKinnon wrote:
I'm lucky, I can vote with my feet. Out of 140, I have two servers
that *require* Linux. One runs Sybase ASE, the other runs Oracle.
Everything else works like a bomb on FreeBSD. kthankxbyeudev,
thanksfornotplayingnicely Not everyone else is so fortunate though.
I guess I understood more than I thought then. Shocking. I
understand that but the udev guru doesn't. ;-)
I may go the BSD route too if I leave Gentoo. So, my feet works
too. I wonder if I would even be missed here? :/
Noooooooo Dale you can't leeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaavvvvvveee!
Seriously, you're an institution around here, you would be sorely
I sometimes think people get tired of the chatter box. lol I wonder
if I am on somebody's blacklist? :/
:-) :-)