Alan McKinnon wrote:
You give me too much credit :-)

There's also Neil, Wonko, Volker, Stroller, Grant, meino.cramer, Mick,
Paul, Harry, Albert, Alex, Walter, Alan Mackenzie (awesome name!),
James, kashani, Pandu and about a 1000 more whose names I can't exactly
recall right now.

This here mailing-list has got the most varied and highest skills of
any technical list I've ever subscribed to. We have regular desktop
users, folks who work in server rooms, devs, owners of software
companies, regular sysadmins, fellows who ship embedded devices, and at
least one of everything in between.

I don't mean to go all fuzzy feel-good here, but it's an honour to be
able to communicate and interact with so many skilled people for so many

That is true. There are lots who post a lot here. I just recall seeing some stats somewhere and me and you were the top two. That was about a year ago so it may have changed. Just had to go find that link again. Here it is:

We have a new comer.  lol

I think the mailing lists, and forums, are one of the key features of Gentoo. The docs seemed to have slumped some but I think it was down to one or two people for a while. I think someone jumped in the fire a few weeks ago tho. Maybe they will catch up. I'm sure it is hard to keep up with all the changes that are going on tho. Gentoo has a LOT of stuff to document.

If we are so skilled, why is the Fedora dev not listening you reckon?


:-)  :-)

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