110817 Philip Webb wrote:
> 110815 Florian Philipp most helpfully wrote:
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/w/index.php?title=Java_and_OpenOffice.org&oldid=154444
> I deleted 'java' from the  make.conf  USE list
> & recompiled Libreoffice (latest testing) + Cups +  2  deps for KDE3.
> Printing is ok from LO & Vim (via the Printdialog extension);
> LO help calls up a WWW page, which doesn't help,
> but I've downloaded  2  PDFs with the help for Writer + Calc,
> which sb better than the rather clumsy version included inside OO ;
> the  2  KDE3 apps continue to start (Kmahjongg Kworldclock).
> Emerge throws out a dire warning re compiling LO without Java,
> but doesn't say exactly what the dire results wb.

I have submitted bug # 381823 to suggest a more appropriate warning
from the LO ebuild.

I have unmerged all the Java pkgs & removed the 'gcj' USE flag.
Gcc 4.5.3-r3 now compiles much more quickly (Core 2 Duo,  2 GB  memory) :
  (1st time) by Gcc 4.4.5 with 'gcj' it took  40 min ;
  (2nd time) by Gcc 4.5.3-r3 without 'gcj' it took 24 min .
Doing a regular weekly system update yesterday, I had the feeling
that it was quicker with Gcc 4.5.3 , but have no actual figures.

The only remaining small puzzle was 'emerge -Dup world' (testing version),
which wanted to remerge Pdftk 1.44 using Gcc with 'gcj' enabled,
but 'emerge -pv pdftk' offered to go ahead without any such changes.
Pdftk is useful, but not so useful as to force me to re-install Java:
I haven't tested whether it still works.

HTH others

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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