On 09/03/2011 04:20 PM, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Saturday 03 September 2011 11:55:06 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

You can trust it because portage *is* the package manager, and the
package manager always knows what the dependencies of packages are.
Tools like equery can do analysis and stuff, but the final decision of
what gets installed and what's needed is up to Portage.  So if you can't
trust the package manager, you're screwed anyway :-)

Well I did trust it yesterday when it decided it ought to remove MySQL. What
the hell, I thought: I can put it back easily enough.

So today when I started KMail it wouldn't. I had not only to remerge MySQL
but to add mysql USE flag to qt-sql in package.use and remerge qt-sql as

Which is 100% correct behavior. Nothing in your system needed MySQL installed, and qt-sql was merged without the "mysql" USE flag.

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