On Sat, 3 Sep 2011 08:56:15 +0100
Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I'm so glad I ditched KMail before akonadi and friends came along.  
> Akonadi and all the bloatware that came with KDE4 has been a major 
> disappointment and cause of annoyance for me.  Thankfully, after some
> initial teething problems with sqlite (I don't use mysql on my
> laptop) akonadi has not given me any trouble - but I am worried about
> what is coming when reading Alan's experience!

To be fair my problems started after migrating a setup that had come
along since early-KDE3 days and went through many pre-release versions
of akonadi. Almost everyone I found with major problems was in the same
boat while people who did fresh installs on SuSE and Fedora were fine.
Observe that clkean new install is not a valid use-case for a gentoo

> Have I understood this correctly that Kmail2 will no longer store
> messages in conventional maildir files and it will all be stored in
> database tables?

No, akonadi functions as a giant cache. The backing store for mail is
still mbox, MailDir, IMAP or whatever and used as normal. Akonadi
stores meta data about the mail (maildir index files are not in files
for example, they are in Akonadi). Contacts and calendars are still on
disk with a cached copy in Akonadi. 

Full text searches of mail bodies is stored in Nepomuk.

Alan McKinnnon

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