On 08/23/2011 09:17 AM, Leonardo Guilherme wrote:

I've turned on splitdebug feature (and -ggdb in CFLAGS) so debug
information are saved and I can debug anything that crashes. I went to
/usr/lib/debug, just out of curiosity, to see how much space was taken
and I found that it was almost 2GB, which chromium + firefox adds up
1.5GB and python gets another 0.3. I would like to disable splitdebug
for these specific packages now and in the future, so removing
splitdebug from features, re-emerging them and then activating
splitdebug again won't quite cut.

I wonder if there's a way to active features to some specific
packages, just like USE flags.

There is. And it's a very powerful one even. First, remove -ggdb (I use just -g though; if you don't need the extra info -ggdb gives, plain -g will save you some space and time) from your CFLAGS and splitdebug from your FEATURES in make.conf. Then, create a file:


with the following contents:

  CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -ggdb"
  FEATURES="${FEATURES} splitdebug"

Now, in /etc/portage/package.env, you can "execute" splitdebug.conf for the packages you want. My package.env for example looks like:

  sys-libs/glibc splitdebug.conf
  media-libs/mesa splitdebug.conf
  kde-base/kdelibs splitdebug.conf
  kde-base/kwin splitdebug.conf

The result is that, for example, when glibc is emerged, splitdebug.conf is executed which adds -ggdb to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS (do not forget CXXFLAGS!) and splitdebug to FEATURES.

As you can guess, you can create arbitrary .conf files like this; it isn't in any way specific to splitdebug.

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