On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Hilco Wijbenga
<hilco.wijbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  RewriteRule ^/website$    http://localhost/website/ [T]
>  ProxyPassMatch    ^/website/(.*)$
> http://localhost:8000/website/$1
> </VirtualHost>
> The ProxyPassMatch fires but (AFAICT) the RewriteRule does not. I.e.
> http://localhost/website (no slash) ==> 404 (in fact, it's trying to
> serve /var/www/localhost/htdocs/website) but http://localhost/website
> (with slash) ==> works.

Disclaimer: I am not an Apache guru :)

You have [T] as third parameter to RewriteRule, which is used to
specify a MIME type,  but you're not specifying anything. Maybe that
invalidates the rule. Try removing it.

You can also specify multiple RewriteRules which are processed in
sequence, if trailing slash works maybe you need to first add a rule
convert URL with no slash to URL with slash:

RewriteRule ^/website$ /website/ [R]

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