Hi all,

It's been quite a few years but I decided to try another Gentoo
install (on a VirtualBox instance). I wanted to try out some new
I created a ton of partitions including /usr (I want to see if I can
get that to work), /portage, and /distfiles. The idea was to mount
/portage on top of /usr and /distfiles on top of /portage. This all
works fine.

However, when I try to extract the Portage snapshot, I get "No space
left on device" a long way into the untar process. According to df
/portage (i.e. /mnt/gentoo/usr/portage) is only 35% full. In fact, not
a single partition or mount is even close to full (except for
/mnt/static, the DVD).

If I untar directly to /usr (after unmounting /portage), everything
works fine. If I then try to copy or move to /portage, I get the "No
space left on device" again. And at the same place.

Does anyone know what's going on here? I didn't realize I was doing
such strange things. At least not this early on. :-)


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