Cool! I can see myself using this script routinely.

That said, since one *must* check the resulting script anyway, why not
start the editor directly after chmod? E.g.:

$EDITOR cleanscript

Oh, also don't forget to delete cleanscript.000 ;)


On 2011-08-20, Walter Dnes <> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 05:19:29PM +0200, Space Cake wrote
>> I'll try to avoid as many kde/gnome application as I can :) I don't
>> really like them because I want to have my window in front of me right
>> when  click on the icon :). I just started to clean-up my useflags,
>> changed to desktop profile and I'll leave my machine here for the
>> weekend to re-emerge everything is needed for this change. I'm sure
>> some revdep-rebuild and depclean still waiting for me and also I think
>> lot of kde / gnome libs will remain because of the dependencies...
>   Here's my "autodepclean" script.  It parses the output of a pretend
> depclean and generates, but does not execute, a script called
> "cleanscript", which has to be run as root.  Note the warning to check
> "cleanscript" before running it.  Remove the commands to unmerge the
> stuff you want to keep.  In addition to some gentoo-sources kernels, it
> now wants to remove nano, ever since "virtual/editor" showed up in
> Gentoo.  I get the warning...
> !!! 'app-editors/nano' (virtual/editor) is part of your system profile.
> !!! Unmerging it may be damaging to your system.
>   Here's the script...
> #!/bin/bash
> # autodepclean script v 0.01 released under GPL v3 by Walter Dnes 2010/08/18
> # Generates a file "cleanscript" to remove unused ebuilds, including
> # buildtime-only dependancies.
> #
> # Warning; this script is still beta.  I recommend that you check the output
> # in cleanscript before running it.  It is agressive about removing unused
> # gentoo-sources versions.  This includes those that are higher than your
> # current kernel.  This is technically correct for removing unused ebuilds,
> # but it may not be what you want.
> #
> echo "#!/bin/bash" > cleanscript
> echo "#" > cleanscript.000
> emerge --pretend --depclean |\
>   grep -A1 "^ .*/" |\
>   grep -v "^ \*" |\
>   grep -v "^--" |\
>   sed ":/: {
> N
> s:\n::
> s/    selected: /-/
> s/^ /emerge --depclean =/
> }" >> cleanscript.000
> while read
> do
>   echo "${REPLY}" >> cleanscript
>   if [ "${REPLY:0:6}" == "emerge" ]; then
>     echo "revdep-rebuild" >> cleanscript
>   fi
> done < cleanscript.000
> chmod 744 cleanscript
> --
> Walter Dnes <>

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