On 08/12/2011 06:25 AM, Pandu Poluan wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 17:16, Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:
>> On 08/12/2011 12:58 PM, dhk wrote:
>>> I have a Gentoo Box that is a standalone with no internet access.  Is
>>> there a way I can update it by using my laptop?
>>> It would be nice to be able to sync a copy of my world list on my laptop
>>> without clobbering my laptop's world list.  Then do a fetch for the
>>> standalone world and when on the console pf the standalone do the update
>>> to the fetched packages on the laptop.  The idea is not to have the
>>> laptop as an image of the standalone, but as a server to sync to while
>>> keeping the laptop's world separate.
>> Er, can't you just give the box Internet access by using the laptop's
>> connection?
> Agree with Nikos.
> Another (ultra-roundabout) way:
> * Get portage-latest.tar.xz
> * Untar to your standalone system
> * emerge -puf @world
> * Get the files on an Internet-connected system
> * Put the files on the standalone's portage DISTDIR
> * emerge -au @world
> DISCLAIMER: Not tested :-)
> Rgds,

There's no Internet access where the standalone is, it's remote, when I
go with the laptop the laptop doesn't have Internet access either.

I didn't really want to tar or burn stuff to disk.  I think I'd like to
just be able --sync the laptop for itself and then have the ability to
do another sync for the standalone.  Of coarse the second sync for the
standalone wouldn't install anything.  Then when I travel to the
standalone I'd like to do any "emerge -uDNp world" to the laptop which
would most likely be the setting in the make.conf on the standalone.  Thanks

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