On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> After some deliberation I've started emerging libreoffice.  It gave the
> usual
> office suite warnings at the beginning that there isn't enough space in
> /var
> (I have 5.8G and it was asking for more than 7G+).
> Half way through the emerge I noticed that I have only 74M left and is
> going
> down fast!  O_O
> OpenOffice was able to emerge in the past using this partition size without
> a
> problem.  I've flushed logs and what not to free some space, but I'm
> thinking
> of extending the partition somehow.  I don't run LVM on this machine so
> that's
> not a solution for this circumstance.
> Is there anything I can do with mount --rbind and could I do this in the
> middle of an emerge?  I have another partition with loads of space in it,
> but
> it has a different fs on it (reiser4 instead of /var's ext4).
> --
> Regards,
> Mick
Copy /var/tmp/portage to the partition that you have space, then use 'bind'
command to mount.


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