>>> But at some point the 1s and 0s must be converted to some sort of an
>>> analog signal if only right behind the diode.  A diode must be
>>> presented with a signal in some sort of analog form in order to
>>> illuminate, right?  Digital is just a figment of our imagination after
>>> all.
>> The pixel is either on or off. There's no way to make half of the adjacent 
>> pixel on (and the other half of that pixel off).
> Well, couldn't the digital information for a particular pixel mean
> blue, and the D/A mechanism attempts to create an analog signal that
> the diode would interpret as blue, but the D/A converter or the analog
> signal or the analog diode is affected by electric interference (which
> traveled from the computer to the TV along the HDMI cable) and the
> diode illuminates light blue instead of blue?
>> Having said that, you may be on the right track. I hadn't looked at your 
>> photo before, so sorry for that, but it indeed looks like your telly may be 
>> doing some scaling on the image.
>> Check for overscan / underscan settings in the TV's menus and on the remote. 
>> The button for overscan may not be at all obvious on the remote from the 
>> icon that labels it - if you can't find a button on the remote that resolves 
>> this issue, or a overscan setting in the TV's menus then check the manual.
>> Overscan would cause this symptom, and it is such a common feature, that IMO 
>> you shouldn't pst back here again until you've identified it on your TV and 
>> checked it.
> You may be right about this.  I can select the following aspect ratios
> on my TV's menu:
> 16:9 (this causes all 4 edges of the screen to be cut off)
> Just Scan (this is what I use and it fits perfectly on the screen)
> Set By Program (same as 16:9)
> 4:3 (same as 16:9 except with black boxes on the left and right)
> Zoom (same as 16:9 except more of the image is cut off)
> Cinema Zoom 1 (same as Zoom except nothing is cut off from the top of the 
> image)
> I set 1920x1080 in xorg.conf but I just tried defining no resolution
> at all and it seems to have been set anyway:
> (II) RADEON(0): Output HDMI-0 using initial mode 1920x1080
> The TV is an LG 47LH90 and and it is said to do 1080p.  I looked for
> ghosting in 16:9 mode instead of Just Scan mode and strangely the
> shadows are there, but they're oriented top and bottom instead of left
> and right.  I can take another photo if anyone would like to see.
> Why do I need to select Just Scan in order to prevent all 4 edges of
> the screen from being cut off?
> - Grant

BTW I think you're on to something Stroller because the overall
picture is definitely improved in 16:9 mode compared to Just Scan
mode.  I just need to figure out how to prevent the edges of the
screen from being cut off.

- Grant

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