On Saturday 16 July 2011 07:12:58 meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> As a Blender-fan over the time my harddisk has been filled (by me ;) )
> with lots of video-tutorials in the flv (flash video)-format.
> Now I need some space to store more *.blend files ...
> So I think I need to convert the flvs into another format...
> What is the most recommended format to preserve as much as possible
> of the original video and audio quality *and* to save space beyond
> the "some kilobytes" area?
> What is the best tool for that job: mplayer or ffmpeg or...?
> What parameters should I use ?
> Thank you very much for any help in advance!
> Have a nice weekend!
> Best regards,
> mcc

why convert at all? Burn them to a disk - or move them to an external drive. 
Which codec did you use for the flash files?


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