On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
>> > No! It is not the latest. It's just what portage is offering you. The
>> > link I sent you clearly (!?) stated that you need to be running the
>> > latest 'Certified' driver revision 275.09.07 to get this fix. Just
>> > because the Gentoo devs haven't marked it as stable does (to me) mean
>> > that I should take their word for it.
> If Nvidia say to use the later version because they know the current
> arch version is broken, you should follow their advice and not ignore it
> simply because of a keyword setting in the ebuild.
> --
> Neil Bothwick

And of course I would screw up my response by writing

Just because the Gentoo devs haven't marked it as stable
does (to me) mean that I should take their word for it.

instead of what I meant, which would have been

Just because the Gentoo devs haven't marked it as stable
***DOESN'T*** (to me) mean that I should take their word for it.


- Mark

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