On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>> On Sun, 10 Jul 2011 14:42:50 -0500, Dale wrote:
>>> Yea, done tried that.  I tried different kernels, different nvidia
>>> drivers and all with no change.
>> WAG - have you tried the nv drivers?
> I did but I couldn't get X to even start.  I guess something is not set
> right somewhere.  I have nv in make.conf and been there since I built this
> thing so sort of clueless on why it don't work.
> Maybe it's because I don't use the latest greatest cards but I don't think I
> have ever really had trouble with nvidia drivers.  Surely it can't be good
> luck.  ;-)
> While I am at it, what is the syntax to mask a package higher than a certain
> version in package.mask?  I tired =>package.name.version and tried >=
> package.name.version but the former doesn't work and seems to ignore it and
> the later makes emerge print a boo boo message.  On my old rig, I want to
> mask anything above the 173 series.   So far, I haven't had the light bulb
> moment and never can remember how to do this.
> Thanks.
> Dale

May I ask exactly what NVidia card you are using and why you are using
(if I understood you correctly) the nv driver and not the nvidia

This page at NVidia will point you at the right driver. I've got a
little bit of every NVidia technology here and they haven't treated me
wrong yet.


My make.conf files all say


and then I typically use the beta driver ala:

mark@slinky ~ $ cat /etc/portage/package.keywords | grep nvidia
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers ~amd64
dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit ~amd64
dev-util/nvidia-cuda-sdk ~amd64
mark@slinky ~ $

You won't need the CUDAstuff.

It's always the NVidia driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, not the older nv driver:

mark@slinky ~ $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia
        Driver      "nvidia"
mark@slinky ~ $

- Mark

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