Jesús J. Guerrero Botella wrote:
Dale, random hard-lockups are only due to hardware or kerne, it can't
be otherwisel (drivers count as part of kernel). The fact that
compilation doesn't lock your system only means that the thing
(whatever it is) is not bount to intensive I/O operations and/or high
cpu loads.
Openldap itself can't hard lock up anything if the kernel doesn't give
it permissions to do so (kernel bug) or if the hardware is not faulty.
Same goes for tray apps.
I might add, the last time it locked up, I had a compile process running
in a console. I watched the hard drive light, it was blinking away.
So, the root of the system was running but for some reason, I could not
get my mouse or keyboard to work. It appears it is the GUI part that is
locking up but whatever it is, it is not affecting Fluxbox. I also
tried the shift alt F12 to disable composite as well.
It also ran from the my USB stick which is systemrescue. I didn't start
a GUI tho. I just used it to run file system checks and such.
Does that make any sense? It's not making any here. I'm just trying to
nail Jello to the wall. lol
:-) :-)