>> I bet that's just old stock.  I can't find a single motherboard with
>> Nvidia graphics and an AM3+ or FM1 socket on newegg.com.
>> - Grant
> I didn't see a AM3+ either.  May have to buy a mobo and a separate video
> card.  At least that way, you can get what you really want.  This is one
> reason I buy separate pieces.  I don't need a supped up video card but do
> want a decent mobo.  When I buy separately, I can put a little extra into my
> mobo and save on the card.  Of course, my last build has a donated card.
>  Works great for me.  Does stumble a little on the very HD video of the
> Asteroid Galaxy Tour singing the Golden Age tho.  Since it does it in the
> same place and only on the one video, I'm wondering if it was recorded that
> way somehow.  :/
> You may want to check pricewatch, tigerdirect and just froogle for a while.
>  Eventually you can narrow down what you are looking for and just find the
> better deal. It's a plan anyway.
> Dale

Thanks Dale.  I'm reading that onboard ATI graphics are fine if you
don't need 3D and can use the open-source driver.  I guess I'll give
it a try.

- Grant

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