On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Helmut Jarausch
<jarau...@igpm.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an annoying problem which I'd like to fix.
> Something (probably some Gnome application) repeatedly creates the
> folder
> .gvfs  with permissions dr-x------ 2 jarausch users
> When I run tar (as root!) I get
> tar: ./jarausch/.gvfs: Cannot stat: Permission denied
> which sets an error return code for tar or even terminates tar.
> What I can do about this?  (I don't run the Gnome desktop, just some
> Gnome applications.)
> Many thanks for a hint,
> Helmut.

AFAIK this dir is created by gvfs-mount, which uses fuse. By default
fuse creates its mountpoints / files only with permissons for the user
running it.

You could :
- use tar --exclude (probably the best, since the files are only
temporary mountpoints)
- change the rights of the dir with chown
- try use_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf

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