Mark Knecht <> writes:

>>> Here's the kernel config from my 64-bit 2.6.38-gentoo-r3 VM
>> Mark is that guest running in vmware or something else than Virtual Box.
> The guest that uses that kernel is running in Virtualbox-4.0.8.
> The host is a Gentoo64-bit system, 98% stable, 2% ~amd64.

Sorry about my brain deadedness, but when I click on that thing in
windows 7 with Virtual Box installed... nothing knows how to open it.

Trying it another way round I try importing it from a running Virtual
Box Manager. When I open the directory containing `base_dist.vmdk'
nothing is visible in the VB import dialog screen.

The file ending that vbox uses is *.vbox so trying a quick rename but
Vbox does not recognize the file you posted. 

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