On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 06:52, walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06/24/2011 04:08 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>    As for Gentoo installs, IMHO, they are in a bit of a mess right
>>> now. Last weekend a friend decided to give Linux a try and I helped
>>> him install Gentoo. The tarballs still, after nearly a month I think,
>>> didn't include all the required /dev stuff in the stage3 tarball which
>>> caused the machine to not boot. Maybe that's what you're seeing? I
>> I'm at the stage right now of trying to boot from the vm harddrive.
>> What is missing from stage3?  Maybe I can get it straightened out now
>> before turning the vm on its own.
> Yes, it's a trivial fix (everything's trivial if you know how to do it :)
> The /dev directory (before udev starts) is missing the /dev/console
> device -- or maybe it's the /dev/null device.  Crap, I can't recall
> just now but I fixed the problem a week or two ago by using mknod to
> create the missing device (I think it was /dev/console).
> Just chroot into your fresh vm and see what's missing from the /dev
> directory.  Use mknod to create the missing device.

Actually, both.

The stage3 tarball I had (approx. 2 weeks old) has /dev/null, but it's
a *normal* file.

Just do:

rm -f $root/dev/{null,console}
mknod $root/dev/console c 5 1
mknod $root/dev/null c 1 3

$root is either blank if you've chroot-ed into /mnt/gentoo, or
/mnt/gentoo if you haven't

(The numbers you can see by doing `ls -l -a /dev` *before* chroot-ing)

Pandu E Poluan
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