Dnia 27-05-2011 o godz. 17:27 Sebastian Beßler napisał(a):
> Am 27.05.2011 17:09, schrieb fajfu...@wp.pl:
> > I found that "hal" has been unmerged during an upgrade. I installed it 
> again
> > and launching it at startup.
> HAL was removed for a reason, it is not longer used by xserver.
> You have to use Udev for that now.

Thanks for your help.
There were 2 ways of solving that problem.
1. To use the most recent genkernel with default genkernel configuration - it 
has got proper drivers for my graphic interface enabled
2. To compile kernel drivers for my graphics interface as was stated after 
emerging xorg drivers (I didn't find it earlier - sorry)

again, thanks for your help

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