On Thu, Jun 02, 2011 at 11:30:02AM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Apparently, though unproven, at 10:49 on Thursday 02 June 2011, András Csányi 
> did opine thusly:
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > Something strange happen here. I have seen few things in Linux world
> > but this is very new for me!
> > 
> > I have this fantastic browser called Chromium (12.0.742.68) and I
> > really like it. But, sometimes, when I see flash videos on different
> > sites (youtube, cnn, bbc) the whole chromium become frozen and basicly
> > impossible to kill it. (The comfortable way is left click on the
> > taskbar and choose "Close" and KDE takes care of to kill the
> > application. ) I'm aware of I'm using Linux and the Linux desktop and
> > the flash are not the best friends ever. So my usual activity if my
> > browser become frozen by flash is the next: (1), start a konsole, (2),
> > start htop, (3) and kill the process, (4) restart the browser, (5)
> > happy.
> [snip]
> > While I wrote this letter Chromium become crazy again - thanks the
> > automatic save few words has lost this letter - and I know that the
> > root cause the Chromium itself and the flash isn't matter. Flash just
> > make faster that process when Chromium become crazy.
> No, you are probably wrong here.
> Chromium is not the problem, Flash is the problem.

That's what I'd have thought if it were any other browser, but my 
experience with chromium is that it's actually quite unstable.

> Flash is a piece of shit that has never worked right and Adobe are a bunch of 
> fools that cannot code properly or securely. I can comfortably say this based 
> on long hard bitter experience by the entire Linux community.
> If you choose to use Flash, you get to put up with the resulting problems.

Maybe before throwing out the baby with the bathwater he should do some 
more testing in another browser. In the past I've seen behavior not
unlike that described due to flash, but if flash is the culprit it will 
show up using firefox or konqueror or whatever.

caveat utilitor
♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ 

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