Alan McKinnon wrote:
Apparently, though unproven, at 22:20 on Tuesday 31 May 2011, Nils Larsson did
opine thusly:
tisdagen den 31 maj 2011 22:00:28 skrev Dale:
Does anyone remember the discussion I had about kde packages being in
the system set when doing a emerge -e system? If I for example unmerge
kde-meta then run --depclean, I bet I would get the error about system
packages being removed. It may be because of USE flags but this was
what I was concerned about during the last discussion. Having GUI
packages, especially KDE, included in the system set, even if because of
USE flags, is going to lead to problems at some point.
Or maybe I am reading all this wrong?
I assume you have "kde" enabled on sys-auth/polkit, that pulls in sys-
auth/polkit-kde-agent and sys-auth/polkit-kde. Thats all the qt-* and
kdelibs packages.
It appears I was wrong after all.
Manners dictates that apologies to Dale are in order.
Sorry Dale.
No need. I'm more worried about the heat over here. It's going to be
100F tomorrow. My poor garden is starting to cook the food as well as
grow it. O_O I just need to explain it better from now on. ;-)
Now, I bet there is no way to get KDE stuff out of that either. I guess
one could disable the flags that pull them in but what would that take
away from KDE? Then again, doesn't KDE require polkit now? If so, that
can't be removed not without some teeth pulling at least. Those pesky
USE flags. lol
< sighs >
:-) :-)