On Wednesday 25 May 2011 21:45:07 Harry Putnam wrote:
> There must be a number of people who post here that have had to do
> this problem.
> Discover the addresses of computers on a home network that have
> connected by way of DHCP.  For example: Several wireless connections.
> I've used static IPS for around 10 yrs, always seemed handier for
> things like ssh between home lan computers.
> But recently started using DHCP for wireless connections.  It must be
> such a popular method for some reason.
> But when you do it that way, and say want to VNC or ssh or the like to
> something connected by a dhcp serving WAP then how do you find the
> address?
> That is, besides something like accessing the WAP and checking the IPs
> connected to it.
> Is there some quick and sure way to discover any IPs on the home lan?
> Some kind of mapper tool?

dhcp can assign static adresses ! Thus, it's easier to manage (only the dhcp 
server to admin !)

I am not english, thus, don't know website with such doc (in english) but you 
can easily find it on internet !

You have also dnsmasq that makes both dns (for lan) + dhcp (whereas commonly, 
this functions are split)
Stéphane Guedon
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