Alan McKinnon wrote:

This is basic Linux stuff.

There is a /lib/modules/xxxx for each installed kernel binary.
Portage will never remove them as portage did not install them, they are
installed by the "make modules_install" target of the kernel build process,
which you always run manually outside of portage's control.

The vbox modules are also in those directories under misc/ but this comes with
a quirk. They are usually built by remerging virtualbox-modules or running
module-rebuild. Unlike most other ebuilds, these do not delete everything from
the last emerge and replace all files (you will still need all installed
modules for any installed kernels you still have). So, portage simply does not
remove things from /lib/modules/

In other words, what you have is exactly what you should have and things as
working as designed. To remove anything in /lib/modules, you must manually rm
them yourself.

Incidentally, the same goes for the various kernel files in /boot/.

So, if I delete a bzImage from /boot that came from kernel version 2.6.32-1 and no longer plan to use it, I could also remove the modules from /lib/modules/2.32-1 as well? That could come in handy to know if someone has a small drive and has to watch their drive space.

root@smoker / # du -shc /lib/modules/2.6.30-gentoo-r8/
7.6M    /lib/modules/2.6.30-gentoo-r8/
7.6M    total
root@smoker / #

It's not much but it could help.


:-)  :-)

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