On Mon, 16 May 2011 14:38:37 +0100, Stroller wrote:

> This probably doesn't arise very often, as you probably won't be
> updating oneshotted packages very often. --oneshot is fairly strictly a
> temporary solution - to fulfil a virtual in a certain way or just for
> testing how a package behaves with or without a graphics lib installed.
> If you want the package updated then you should record it in world.

I use to use --oneshot for testing packages, so they didn't end up in
world with me forgetting they were there. Now I use a set (@temp) and add
any packages I want to try out in there. It stops stuff getting
depcleaned before I've tried it and keeps the package and itsa deps up to
date. Every so often I go through the temp set and remove packages,
either adding them to @world or leaving them to the tender mercies of

Neil Bothwick

Dolly Parton-- silicone based life

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