Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:

> Harry Putnam wrote:
>> Dale<rdalek1...@gmail.com>  writes:
>> [...]
>>> I guess one could use Froogle if you can't buy it across the pond.
>>> Cheap little thing tho.  o_O
>> What is the cpu?
> Intel Atom 1.6GHz CPU
>> I couldn't tell if you were joking about cheap... ... so is the final
>> price about $400 US?

> I don't really know.  I would assume as I had it configured, that was
> the price.  That would sort of be bare bones but for a router, you
> most likely don't need anything fancy, unless you are routing some
> serious traffic.
> I just picked the one I thought was small and cute.  lol

Your previous post showed this as total.

*All prices are in British Pounds*      *Subtotal*      244.00
*Delivery*      0.00
*TOTAL*         244.00

244 british pounds is just a hair under $400

So do you think $400 is pretty cheap for an home lan router?

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