Michael George wrote:
I just got a new scanner which will be supported in version 1.0.22 of
the sane-backend package. However, that version isn't in portage yet.
How do I find who the maintainers of the portage package are so that I
can contact them to see if I can help get that port made available?
This where the change log for one of the sane packages is located.
Usually the ones that edit there are the maintainers. I think you need
to file a bug report and request the new version to be put in the tree
and eventually made stable.
Of course, if it is really new, it may be in a overlay for testing too.
Some put them in the overlay to test then move them over to the tree a
bit later if there are no problems or weird dependency problems.
I think there is a fancy command to get that info but can't recall it at
the moment. I bet someone will post it tho. ;-)
:-) :-)