On Wednesday 13 April 2011 15:58:46 Mick wrote:

> I assume that you use the "Print view" button at the bottom of the tables.

Ah! I hadn't spotted it; that does work - it prints one table description per 

> I've just looked at this demo site using print preview in Firefox and
> Opera:
> http://demo.phpmyadmin.net/STABLE/index.php
> FF will only show the first page of a table - this to me translates to
> a poorly written CSS for printing purposes, or lack of a print-CSS
> altogether.

I've filed a bug report; let's see what comes of it. It's phpmyadmin-

> In Opera the first print preview page is blank.  If I click on the
> print preview icon on the toolbar it will switch between successive
> frames.  The 3rd frame contains the table across 3 pages, so it should
> print the lot.  The CSS is not well written though because e.g. there
> is a blank page between the 1st page which just contains a header and
> the third page which starts right from the top (no margin) with the
> table.

I've tried Opera and Chrome; Chrome does the same as Firefox while Opera shows 
one line giving the phpMyAdmin location and version number.


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