On 2011/04/08 02:40PM, Alexey Mishustin wrote:
> For example, I don't understand what does -15.15 mean (in default value
> "%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s" )

The "-15.15" is the same as the printf(3) format. The minus sign means
left align the field, the first number is the minimum field width, and
the dot specifies that the next number is the precision, which for a
string is the max number of characters to print. 

E.g "-15.20" would be a left aligned field atleast 15 characters wide,
expanding upto 20 total, if the string is long enough.  But that could
make things unaligned, so just keep the values the same.

> why there are no width values for each column, 

%4C       -> message number (width 4)
%Z        -> Status flags (always 3 characters)
%{%b %d}  -> (see below) Short month name, 2 digit day (constant width)
%-15.15L  -> Address (width 15)
(%4l)     -> # of lines in the message (width 4)
%s        -> Subject (last field, width unimportant)

> what do constructions %{another %s} mean.

>From the online manual [1], "%{format}" passes the date (in the sender's
time zone) to strftime(3), so you could use "%{%Y-%m-%d}" for example,
or just "%D" to use the setting from date_format.

Perhaps tricky to read, but very flexible. Hope that helps.


[1] http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-6.html#index_format

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