On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 21:42, Mike Edenfield <kut...@kutulu.org> wrote:
> On 4/5/2011 3:03 AM, Pandu Poluan wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 19:34, Mike Edenfield <kut...@kutulu.org> wrote:
>>> On 4/4/2011 8:07 AM, Pandu Poluan wrote:
>>>> MAKEOPTS="-j3"
>>>> {standard input}: Assembler messages:
>>>> {standard input}:146362: Error: open CFI at the end of file; missing
>>>> .cfi_endproc directive
>>>> xgcc: Internal error: Killed (program cc1)
>>> This kind of error is often caused by the parallel make not quite working.
>>> Try running the build like:
>>> MAKEOPTS="-j1" emerge =sys-devel/gcc-4.4.5
>>> In general, whenever you get strange build errors (i.e. that have no
>>> immediately obvious cause) you should try again with MAKEOPTS="-j1". Often
>>> it will fix the problem, but even when it doesn't you will usually get a
>>> much more useful error.
>> Thanks for the tip. Now it's 'partially successful':
>>  * QA Notice: Package has poor programming practices which may compile
>>  *            fine but exhibit random runtime failures.
> These aren't anything to worry about.

Thanks for the explanation :-)

>>>>> Installing (1 of 1) sys-devel/gcc-4.4.5
>>  * gcc-config: Could not locate 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.4.4' in
>> '/etc/env.d/gcc/' !
>>  * Running 'fix_libtool_files.sh 4.4.4'
>>  * Scanning libtool files for hardcoded gcc library paths...
>> cat: ld.so.conf.d/*.conf: No such file or directory
>> gcc-config: error: could not run/locate 'gcc'
>> :0: assertion failed: (gcc -dumpversion) | getline NEWVER)
>>  * Switching native-compiler to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-4.4.5 ...
>>  * Your gcc has a bug with GCC_SPECS.
>>  * Please re-emerge gcc.
>>  * http://bugs.gentoo.org/68395
> All of this is caused by your previous gcc profile being invalid, that
> is, pointing to a non-existent gcc version (one that had already been
> uninstalled). You *don't* have to re-emerge gcc as it says -- the bug is
> not in your GCC_SPECS but in gcc-config.
> You should first run gcc-config again to make sure your newly installed
> compiler it set as the default, then run `fix_libtool_files.sh 4.4.4` as
> the ebuild was trying to do.

And you had to reply *after* gcc is re-emerged >.<

Oh well, good to know, anyways... prevent more griefs in the future :-)

Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~
Visit my Blog: http://pepoluan.posterous.com

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