Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:
> The warnings were generated last time the cron job run chkrootkit. I > think that the box was rather busy in the middle of emerging stuff at > the time, so I wonder if that had something to do with it. If your hypothesis is correct, it presents an interesting opportunity. How to dynamically priortize (renice) processes that sporadically run at the same time. :-( A while back, (few months?) there was a discussion about how to limit processor by settings in make.conf to restrict the load. There were several approaches listed in the thread. Maybe there's a scriptable (cron-able) solution on limiting the load on the machine? I think you even contributed to the thread? Just a thought but I am most curious as to your solution, should you 'embrace' the challenge.... ;-) hth, James