On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 2:37 AM, dhk <dhk...@optonline.net> wrote:
> Another update.  It seem all I need to do to get sound back is run
> alsaconf (take all the defaults) and reboot.  I'm not sure why it stops
> working after two or three reboots, but if I run alsaconf again and
> reboot it's back.  It never works right after alsaconf, it always needs
> a reboot.  It would be nice if the sound state didn't get lost, but at
> least I can get it back.  I'd also wouldn't mind knowing why it happens.
> Thanks,
> dhk

Does it really need a reboot, or does (as root)

/etc/init.d/alsasound restart

get it going?

- Mark

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