On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 18:21, J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:
> On Thu, March 24, 2011 10:36 am, Pandu Poluan wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 15:32, J. Roeleveld <jo...@antarean.org> wrote:

-- snip --

>>> Hmm... I don't use kernel-modules in my Xen domu's (All are PV). I
>>> wonder
>>> if compiling them into the kernel might help.
>>> Or, try loading the modules listed above and see if that helps. (Not
>>> sure
>>> if you can see an immediate change though)
>> Can't hurt to try, now that I've gotten a bootable kernel. Can always
>> fallback to the previous one.
> Let me know how that goes.

Compiling all the <M> into <*> still results the same *sigh*

I also tried your .config ( make oldconfig && make menuconfig &&
genkernel --oldconfig bzImage && genkernel --oldconfig initramfs ),
and something strange happened:

The VM seems to be starting... then ended immediately. But no error
message at all.

>>> Please note, I do use the following kernel:
>>> sys-kernel/xen-sources-2.6.34-r4
>>> Which kernel are you using?
>> hardened-sources-2.6.36-r9 IIRC
>> Hmmmm... there are *lots* of options in your config that I don't see in
>> mine.
> Can you add a list of the ones you are missing?

Um... lots. I'll attach the last config I've tried.

>> Could it be because of the "hardened" sources?
> My guess is, because you're not having the xen-patchset in the kernel.
> Can you try the xen-sources to see if that helps?
> Then we can work our way through the missing options.

Okay, emerging xen-sources now... this will take some time. I'll post
after testing again.

>>>> Anyways, when I'm successful in my endeavor, I'll sure to be sharing my
>>>> tips.
>>> That's always a good way to make people more happy to help :)
>>> --
>>> Joost
>> Just the least I can do to give back something to Gentoo :)
> Which is exactly why I'm active on these mailing lists :)
> --
> Joost

Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~
Visit my Blog: http://pepoluan.posterous.com

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