I have changed the mouse input (from PS2 to USB) and solved that weird mouse behaviour.
The touchpad also works well. Strange that by PS2 gets so crazy.

Well, since things become more stable (at least until now), I been learning how to work with e17. However, there's a small problem. When I try to edit the URL of the weather module, I get this error:

xterm: Can't execvp vi: No such file or directory

which I understand because it is trying to use *vi* and I don't have it. If I'm not wrong, vi is not even in portage.
So, is there a way to work around this, maybe using another editor to edit it?

It would be nice to know the weather from here I am and not from Taunton.. :)


On 8/4/05, Fernando Meira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes... that would maybe be good idea.
I'm using now the touchpad instead of the mouse and, until now, no weird behaviours!

On 8/4/05, Luke Albers < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You should subscribe to the enlightenment-users@lists.sourceforge.net
mailing list and post this same message there.  It probably has
something to do with the WM rather than your X config if it worked just
fine with another window manager

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