"usb verbose debug" in the kernel? - check dmesg.  Mine are always slow
to mount if this is on.


On Sun, 2011-02-20 at 10:33 -0500, David Relson wrote:
> Mounting USB devices is very, very slow.  This morning I inserted my
> PNY memory stick at 10:18:22 but "df" didn't show it mounted until 3
> minutes later at 10:21:05.
> As  background information, in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules is: 
>     KERNEL=="sd*1", ATTRS{manufacturer}=="PNY", SYMLINK+="PNY", 
> RUN+="/bin/mount -a"
> and in /etc/fstab is:
>     /dev/PNY /mnt/pny vfat rw,nosuid,auto 0 0
> The kernel messages in /var/log/messages for this period of time are in
> the attached file (to avoid line wrapping by mail clients).
> Any thoughts on why it takes so long and how I can speed up
> recognition?
> Ideas for enabling more messages (from udev, the kernel, etc) to see
> what's happening would also be helpful.
> TIA,
> David

William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au>
Home in Perth!

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