<meino.cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:
> got some problems here with the Flash Player Plugin and Firefox and > may other parts. Well, I was "noodling" around the net about video (VP8) and there seems to be a war brewing. As you know, Google is has open sourced VP8 as a replacement for H.264. It seems that the web browser groups each pay millions of dollars per year to be able to give away a browser that supports h.264 streaming video. h.264 is everywhere, cell phone apps, HDTV, utube, just to name a few. Now Theora was based on an old codec (vp3) I believe. Google purchased the company that developed VP8 and purports it to replace h.264. Naturally MPLA (the stinking lawyers behind h.246) is upset because the financial rewards of the the patents behind h.264 are worth an enormous sum of money, over the next few decades. VP8 is not threating that. If you saw my post on Nokia and Microsoft going down the darkside together (very strange), what I did not say is that Balmer is pushing the bussword "EcoSystem" composed of Xbox-live, Office and Bing. Google has that and more. Apple has their own "EcoSystem". Many Browsers will be dropping support for h.264 in the near future, and streaming video, at least in the short run, is now fair game and going to be not interoperable. Is this your problem? Maybe, maybe not. Drop back a version and see if it fixes your problem. Better still, one of the young (smart) kids on this list prolly (guesses?) knows all about this. If it is not your problem now, it surely will be *REAL SOON*; as it will become everybody's problem as the Economic Giants scratch out and protect their "video EcoSystems". Stock prices are more of a concern to these titans, than piss_ants consumuers (that's what they ALL really see in us). So do not be fool, Google is as big a whore as the rest, imho. Google has well intentioned folks, but to quote an old addage "Money talks and Bullshit walks"....... hth, James