Petri Rosenström wrote:
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 1:45 AM, Dale<>  wrote:
I was curious.  I have this new rig and was wondering if prelinking would
help any.  It's a 4 core AMD 3.2Ghz CPU with 4Gbs, soon to be 8Gbs, of ram
and a SATA 3 hard drive.  On a modern system, would prelink make anything
that much faster?  Is it worth installing in this system?

Thoughts?  Opinions?  Personal experience?



:-)  :-)

P. S.  Ram is ordered and should be here in a couple days.  Having Newegg
about 100 miles away is pretty neat.  :-D


I have U2300, 3Gb, 120gb SSD and I tried prelinkin on my system. I
didn't notice any improvement.

Best regards

I read up on what it does and I sort of think it won't make much difference. I'm about to have 8Gbs of ram here and I figure it might help on the first load but after that, it will be cached in memory and very fast anyway. I'm not to surprised that you didn't see any difference in speed.

I used it on a older and pretty slow rig once and it did help. I think it was 800Mhz with 512Mbs of ram. It also had some much slower IDE drives too. It wasn't a huge difference but you could tell the difference.

Thanks for the reply. Wait and see if anyone else thinks it would make anything faster or not.


:-)  :-)

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