I think I found the problem but I'm still not 100% sure.
Its the "fade to black when blanking" of xscreensaver.
When my laptop goes to sleep, it issues lock command which in turn will
sometimes will fade the screen. I think its a bug of the fading.
I disabled this feature.
I'll see if it happens again.

Thanks for your help,

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Barney Salter

> Can you restore the backlight with setpci?
> setpci -s [device id] F4.B=[00-99]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Keith Dart [mailto:ke...@dartworks.biz]
> Sent: 07 February 2011 07:30
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Cc: lavi.k...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] CONFIG_DRM_I915_KMS lcd becomes gray after
> sleeping
> === On Sun, 02/06, Kfir Lavi wrote: ===
> > Any thoughts?
> ===
> Try also enabling backlight control drivers.
> I also have an Intel laptop and it works fine, and the backlight
> controls also work.
> -- Keith Dart
> --
> -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Keith Dart <ke...@dartworks.biz>
>   public key: ID: 19017044
>   <http://www.dartworks.biz/>
>   =====================================================================
> --
> This message was scanned by ESVA and is believed to be clean.

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