Enrico Weigelt <weig...@metux.de> [11-02-05 16:08]:
> * Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > and that is all the intel stuff. For AMD all you have to do is:
> > modprobe -r microcode && modprobe microcode
> Is the microcode permanently flashed or loaded into some
> internal RAM ?
> cu
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service -- http://www.metux.de/
>  phone:  +49 36207 519931  email: weig...@metux.de
>  mobile: +49 151 27565287  icq:   210169427         skype: nekrad666
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

You need a kernel module to load the microcode into the CPU (I dont
know for sure what kind of memory holds it then) eacht time you boot
the machine.

Best regards

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