Hello, I'm wondering if there are any generic sorts of code translation tools in portage wherein I could translate from an 'uncommon' language no one here is likely to use (EasyLanguage) into C?
As an example I've attached a little EL function that takes buy/sell command data an puts it away in an array for safe keeping. What tools are out there, if any, that might allow me to describe how EL works and then the tool does the conversion? Thanks, Mark Inputs: Array1[A1,AA1](NumericArrayRef), EType(StringSimple), EQty(NumericSimple), ESPrice(NumericSimple), ELPrice(NumericSimple), MyDate(NumericSimple), MyTime(NumericSimple) ; Switch (EType) Begin Case "Buy": Value1 = 1; Case "Sell": Value1 = 2; Case "SellShort": Value1 = 3; Case "BuyToCover": Value1 = 4; End ; If ((EQty >= 1) and (ESPrice = 0) and (ELPrice = 0)) then //Implies Market order Begin Array1[Value1,1] = Value1-1; Array1[Value1,2] = EQty; Array1[Value1,7] = MyDate; Array1[Value1,8] = MyTime; End else if ((EQty >= 1) and (ESPrice > 0) and (ELPrice = 0)) then //Implies Stop order Begin Array1[Value1,1] = Value1-1; Array1[Value1,3] = EQty; Array1[Value1,4] = ESPrice; Array1[Value1,7] = MyDate; Array1[Value1,8] = MyTime; End else if ((EQty >= 1) and (ESPrice = 0) and (ELPrice > 0)) then //Implies Limit order Begin Array1[Value1,1] = Value1-1; Array1[Value1,5] = EQty; Array1[Value1,6] = ELPrice; Array1[Value1,7] = MyDate; Array1[Value1,8] = MyTime; End ; MWK.ADE_SaveSysTraderTrades3_ = 0;