On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 10:01:17PM -0400, Colin wrote:
> John J. Foster wrote:
> >Good evening all. My San Disk ImageMate dual reader said goodbye to our
> >family today. She should have left a few months ago.
> >
> >So, what I'm searching for is a replacement reader. I saw some good
> >reviews for ImageMate® 8-in-1 Reader/Writer. I don't really need all
> >eight, but so what. What I'd really like, though, is the ability plug
> >and unplug cards while the reader remains attached via usb2 or firewire.
> >My old San Disk gave me problems for years. Sometimes no connection.
> >Sometimes inserted card could be any of sdb[1-15]. Udev helped with this
> >a little, but basically the reader was a POS (for you wtf users). I'm
> >looking for something that will react the same every time.
> >
> >Any recommendations?
> >
> I've got an AFT PRO-9.  It's a 9-in-1 connects via USB 2.0 
> internally/externally and has Secure Digital, Multimedia Card, 
> SmartMedia, xDigital, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, CompactFlash, 
> MicroDrive and a 4-pin FireWire 400 port (pass-through, you need a 
> FireWire port somewhere on your computer).
> I've only tested it with an SD card, and it seems to work perfectly.
> To use this, you need to compile in SCSI support (the same you need for 
> USB Mass Storage) and make sure you select the "Probe all LUN's" option.
> --
> Colin

Thanks for the good advice. I meant to write back earlier, but .......
Although I've only used the CF port so far, all 4 physical ports were
correctly recognized, and the appropriate devices created. Life is good

Contrary to the lie machine, the world is not safer.

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