On 1/13/2011 10:32 AM, Valmor de Almeida wrote:

I think I had the CONFIG flags set to Y already. The BIOS change and a
shut down before booting was what apparently solved it. I shutdown the
laptop and went to bed, the next morning after booting the machine I
fired up vbox and all worked. I have now a fully functional Windows7
virtual machine; it is impressive how fast it boots and shuts down as
virtual machine; also everything seems to work robustly. I installed
goggle scketch up under Win7 and it works nicely.

Thanks for the inputs.

I've read a couple of threads about losing 64bit VM support after a machine goes to sleep. Rebooting fixes the problem temporarily. If you notice that behavior you may want to go ahead with any BIOS upgrade to see if that fixes it.


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