Jacques Montier wrote:

What i did this morning :
- boot from a sysrescuecd cdrom.

I have 4 partitions for boot, /, usr and home, so :
- mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/gentoo
- mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo/boot
- mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/gentoo/usr
- mount /dev/sda8 /mnt/gentoo/home
- mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc
- mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
- cd /mnt/gentoo
- chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
- emerge grub

So grub-0.97-r10 is installed, but grub can't create grub directory
beause of read-only boot partition...

I tried

- emerge grub

But no success...


Try typing in mount with no options and see what it says. Does it say it is mounted (rw) or (ro)? Does the file system match what you formatted it with?


:-)  :-)

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