C.Beamer wrote:

>Hi Michael et al,
>Michael Crute wrote:
>>Glad to see another Fedora user see the light! Here's the scoop... you
>>haven't botched anything you just need to configure your X server. In
>>theory it is very easy to configure your X server all you need to do
>>is run "Xorg --configure" as root then copy the xorg config file from
>>/root/xorg.conf.new to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and startx again.
>I was hopeful here.  I did as outlined and after running Xorg
>-configure, the file /root.xorg.conf.new was produced.  I got a message
>stating how to test the xserver.  And I still couldn't start x.
>It's complaining a bit less than it did before, but I'm still getting
>these lines of error messages:
>>    (EE) GARTinit: Unable to open /dev/agpgart (no such file or directory)
>>    (EE)I810(0) AGPGART support is not available.  Make sure your
>>    kernel has
>>    agpgart support or that the agpgart kernel module is loaded
>>    (EE)Screens found, but non have useable configuration
>>    Fatal server error:
>>    no screens found
>If I need to reconfigure the kernel, fine.  However, I need to be told
>specifically what to do.
>To refresh, this is my graphics/video info:
>Graphics integrated into the system board into the system board: - an
>Intel i810 chip.
>Integrated Intel Direct AGP Graphics Accelerator with Dynamic Video
>Memory (DVM) technology architecture.
>Other details are as follows (I provide this in case it is thought that
>I should have installed an extra kernel module):
>Graphics architecture:  Intel Dynamic Video Memory (DVM) technology
>Graphics accelerator: Intel Direct Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)
>2D and 3D graphics accelerator
>Display cache: 4 MB, 100-MHz synchronous dynamic random-access memory
>Graphics memory: Dynamically assigned from system memory
>Video resolutions
>800 x 600 pixels; 85 hertz (Hz) refresh rate with 16.7 million colors
>1024 x 786 pixels; 85 Hz refresh rate with 64,000 colors
>1280 x 1024 pixels; 85 Hz refresh rate with 256 colors
>1600 x 1200 pixels 75 Hz refresh rate with 256 colors
>The computer is a Dell Optiplex GX100 and the monitor is a Dell E551,
Beside reconfiguring the kernel you could try booting with some live-CD
(Knoppix worked for me)  and just copy its config "XFree86.conf" --->
"/etc/X11/xorg.conf" and try booting X. Later it's easier just to change
any parameters having some working base.
For a kernel-config see the links to Gentoo's documentation posted
previously on this thread.
HTH. Rumen

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