Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:

>>> Le 20 décembre à 15:12 Allan Gottlieb a écrit
>>>> Something seems wrong.
>>>> Yesterday depclean removed hal and then xdm wouldn't run.
>>>> Re-merging hal (with -1) fixed this, but again today depclean wants to
>>>> remove it.
> I'm running amd64 here but xdm doesn't show it needing hal here.  It's
> not even in the USE flags and I did a emerge -epv xdm and it still
> didn't show it.  It did pull in policykit tho.
> Could it be that it doesn't use hal anymore and you need to figure out
> what it is using?  I know hal is going away but I haven't read that it
> already was.  That said, I did notice that policykit was pulled in
> yesterday.  Of course, xdm doesn't show it needs it either.  Could it
> be udev?

To summarize

1.  All is running fine but.

2.  deplcean wants to remove hal and when it does xdm will not run.

3.  I have run emerge world with --newuse, and have run revdep-rebuild,
    and have remerged xdm.

4.  Currently I just refuse depclean's offer to remove hal, halinfo, and

My plan is to stay like this until xorg 1.9 hits ~amd64 since I believe
at that time hal is going away and hence xdm won't need it.

Does this sound reasonable?


PS  Why is no one else having this problem?

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